Best Caliber for Hunting Deer

For as long as hunters have used rifles, the debate around cartridge choice has raged on. Of course, the evolution of the various hunting rounds on the market has increased dramatically since the early days of the lever action rifles that many hunters used to fire from horseback. From the .30-.30 Winchester, to the 45-70 GOV, the cartridge of choice for hunting various game has always been up for debate.

With the creation of bolt action and semi-automatic rifles, the expansion of the cartridges available to hunters took off. Some we are all quite familiar with, but others are so new to the hunting world that we haven’t even begun to consider what they all offer and what environments they perform best in. However, generally speaking, many hunters agree on a few key rounds for hunting deer.

Deer are the most common game for hunting in the US. Its popularity is due, typically, to the ubiquitous nature of the animal throughout North America, as well as the quality of the venison meat harvested from the animal. Mule deer and white-tailed deer are the most common species of deer found in the United States.

With well over 10 million deer hunters in the US, discussing the cartridges of choice makes a lot of sense!

Caliber or Rifle?

A lot of new hunters will start with the rifle, but for a variety of reasons, the more important question to address is the caliber of the round you want to use, since there are many factors that play into the success of the strike point and its ability to take the deer down at the impact zone. Cartridge plays into shooting style, the environment and terrain in which you will be hunting, and the distances you will have to take the shot—so to be certain, you’ll want to start with the round, not the rifle.

This isn’t to say that the rifle, the otpic, and a variety of other features aren’t important, but the starting point should consider all of the primary factors of the hunt, and that begins with the cartridge. And with that in mind, let’s get into it!

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There are many rounds to choose from, and we’ve seen some hunters claiming prizes with smaller caliber rounds, and heard many big tales of further trophies being taken with unconventional rounds, but typically we look at the rounds that are above the “varmint” class cartridges with lighter rounds, and edging into the big game rounds on larger cartridges. To start, we set our sites on the cousin of the legendary .308 Winchester.

.243 Winchester for Hunting White-Tail Deer

The .243 Winchester was among the first cartridges to be designed around a high-velocity, flat-shooting cartridge for large game. In the late 1940’s Warren Page began experimenting with a .243 caliber wildcat cartridge as a smaller varmint round for cats and groundhogs. When it gained popularity and Winchester’s interest it became one of their most popular rounds.

As the popularity of the caliber grew, the cartridge developed further and heavier bullets for larger game became more prominent. With heavier bullets added to the cartridge, the .243 Winchester quickly rose to prominence as the base caliber for stalking deer. In some countries, it became the bare minimum legal caliber size.

The reasons for the popularity are clear. With little to no recoil, a patient hunter can ensure shorter range shots that hit their mark. A variety of other factors, such as a lack of overpenetration on small deer, make this the ideal cartridge among many hunters. It is also a more universal application than many other calibers.

.308 Winchester for Hunting Deer

Designed and purpose built by Winchester for the commercial hunting market, the .308 Winchester is considered a staple caliber in any hunter's arsenal. A wide range of bullet weights—125 grain to 185 grain is a typical range—ensures that the hunter has several options for his rifle chambered for this round.

The .308 Winchester is considered one of the most popular hunting cartridges in the world, since its development in 1952, the experienced hunters the world over typically have one rifle chambered for this rifle.

As a deer round, this is considered a staple. It is often one of the most recommended rounds for hunters looking for white-tailed deer, or Muleys in the Rockies. For a variety of reasons, it has remained at the front of the pack when it comes to cartridges, but it is especially advantageous because of its wide availability, ease of setup, wide knowledge of use and application among hunters, and because it gets the job done. The .308 Winchester will likely be a staple cartridge among hunters for years to come.

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.30-06 Springfield for Hunting Deer

The .30-06 makes this list, not because it is the best for deer hunting, but because it is still so popular among hunters. Developed for the military in the late 1800s, the round became the basis for many future rounds in both military and hunting applications. This is often considered the upper recoil limit for deer hunting. Typically, it is considered the beginning of the “big game” rounds—as a result, smaller bullets are recommended to preserve the integrity of the meat and the game.

The reason for this choice is that it can be used in multiple applications. Unless your goal is to hunt only Muleys or white-tailed deer, this cartridge opens a lot of doors in the hunting world. It is heavy on recoil, especially in poorly stocked rifles, which should be taken into consideration. While not as hard as the magnum cartridges, it definitely has a more felt “kick” and isn’t ideal for multiple shots. Still, given the versatility of the round and the fact that it can knock the deer down, and not be overly destructive, keeps the .30-06 near the top of the list. And that’s not to mention its capabilities in a variety of hunting terrain.

Newer Calibers & Wildcat Cartridges

The rounds mentioned above aren’t the “best” because of the testing and execution of the round in the field, but because of their ubiquity in the hunting world, and the availability of the ammunition. This factor is more important than many new shooters understand.

Many hunters consider wildcat cartridges to be their round of choice. A wildcat cartridge is typically a custom round developed for specific applications in hunting. Some hunters swear by them, but these hunters are typically very experienced with dozens, if not hundreds of trophies to their name.

The newer calibers that many hunters want to try range from the 6.5 Creedmoor or the .224 Valkyrie, all with a similar goal in terms of its application for deer. Many hunters are intrigued by these new rounds because of the engineering behind them. Purpose-built rounds are becoming more common, especially for unique military applications, and with that interest has peaked in the areas in which those cartridges can be used for hunting. Until these are more tested in the field, and the ammo more widely available, it’s difficult to say whether they will have the longevity of the aforementioned rounds.

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Ammo for Deer Hunters and More

At this point, it should be clear that there is no right answer for ammo—with cartridges having such a wide range of applications and the simple fact that terrain and conditions can impact the viability of a round. As a result, the ammo fits the shooter as much as the target. There are rounds that are simply too big for deer, as they can damage the animal, and there are rounds that won’t hit with enough impact to ensure a clean kill.

Considering your cartridge is as important as picking the rifle. When shopping for ammo, it’s important to consider plentiful ammo, as you’ll want plenty of practice rounds for sighting in the rifle, testing shots at various ranges, and ensuring that you are well prepared to fire the best placed shot possible, regardless of position in relation to target, as well as the conditions you’ll be hunting in.

The focus of picking a round should be investigating your options and picking the best pick for your needs. Again, the most experienced hunters are going to have preferences for the wildcat cartridges, or maybe you own something chambered for 6.5 Creedmoor. Regardless, pick your round, test it well, and enjoy the hunt!

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