2A History: Why Did The Founding Fathers Include The Second Amendment?

Even after almost two-and-a-half centuries since their passing, Americans hold strong reverence for the founding fathers. One of their most significant–and certainly longest-standing–contributions to the formation of the USA was the establishment of the United States Constitution.

The Constitution is well-known for possessing many (literally) revolutionary qualities. The Bill of Rights makes up the first ten amendments–including the renowned Second Amendment (aka, “2A”).

The Second Amendment read:

"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Given that it's been almost 250 years since the Constitution altered the course of American history, it is a worthwhile effort to delve into the past and find out what the founding fathers intended by including the Second Amendment.

A Brief History of How the Second Amendment Came To Be

Presidents' Day was primarily established in honor of former presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. It was James Madison, however–a close contemporary of Washington–who wrote the Second Amendment.

Madison was the one who originally proposed the Second Amendment ,and introduced it shortly after the Constitution was first ratified in 1788.

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The men who created the Constitution are often called the "framers of the Constitution". However, only James Madison is considered "the father of the constitution".

Why Did The Founding Fathers Include The Second Amendment?

During 2A's initial inception, the Founding Fathers were devoted to the militia. In the Federalist Papers, founding father Alexander Hamilton outlined the idea that a well-regulated militia was "the most natural defense of a free country".

There were disagreements amongst representatives over how to ensure the militia was maintained effectively and how to segment the roles of the national government and state government.

However, the one aspect both the Federalist and anti-Federalist sides agreed upon was the idea that all citizens have the right to take matters into their own hands if presented with an external threat.

The Second Amendment's inclusion in the Constitution was intended to ensure that citizens retained the ability to counter the Federal government, should it act the way Britain had only months prior. Moreover, 2A was written to prevent a standing army from forming.

That being said, the Founding Fathers believed guns and militia service would promote character-building, so, they weren't in favor of banning them altogether.

On the contrary, according to the Militia Act of 1792, gun ownership and militia membership were required for qualified individuals. Guns were integral to the American experience, since they could be (and were) regulated at the time.

Aside from checking Federal power, the Second Amendment provided state governments with the capability to make independent decisions.

The founding fathers' intentions for 2A were to incorporate principles of civil and military virtue: to make every citizen a soldier and every soldier a citizen.

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As one of the most discussed pieces of law in all of American existence, the Second Amendment has many interesting facts you may not have heard before:

1. 2A was formally added to the Constitution on December 15th, 1791.

On this date, the framers of the Constitution ratified Amendment II, along with nine other articles of the Bill of Rights.

The year 1971 was noteworthy in many ways–both on American soil and internationally. Inspired by the American Revolution and the concurrent Enlightenment movement, the French followed suit by establishing their own constitution. Americans have been influencing culture globally since day one.

2. The Second Amendment's text has never been changed.

Although its meaning and implementation have changed numerous times over the years, the original text drafted by James Madison lives on.

3. The origins of 2A can be traced back to ancient Roman and Florentine times.

Leading up to the American Revolution, the English had already been playing an essential role in developing principles surrounding militias and personal defense. This influence can be traced all the way back to the late 16th century, when Queen Elizabeth I reigned.

4. 2A does not apply to all weapons.

Like most Constitutional rights, 2A does not constitute (no pun intended) carte blanche permission for everyone to carry around any weapon whatsoever. Similarly, it also isn't a free pass to carry guns in all manners. Depending on the state, local laws and regulations are an integral part of the everyday application of 2A.

5. 2A protects individual rights, not collective rights.

Heller, a case held by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2008, revealed that the Second Amendment guarantees individuals the right to have firearms and use them for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

Individual rights take precedence over collective rights. In a legal sense, court decisions protect individual rights and keep the free state secured.

6. Every citizen is the "militia”.

Literally, and also symbolically, every qualified citizen (according to your state's laws & regulations) IS what the founding fathers meant by "the militia”–an interesting fact about 2A for your daily dose of empowerment.

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Why the History of 2A is Relevant Today

Per the Declaration of Independence, it is our right to determine our own fate when it comes to matters of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our founding fathers felt strongly that making the Second Amendment prominent would support that pursuit.

We–the OG “militia”–really are the first line of defense. America’s early history proves that the motives for implementing the right to bear arms were encouraging of the individual.

Without 2A, today’s handguns, holsters, ammunition, and all things firearms would not be the same.

We’re lucky our founding fathers had our backs back then. This President’s Day (and every day), Ammo Planet has your back with all the bullets and accessories that make exercising your 2A rights fun and effective. Ammo for all, freedom for all.

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